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Stellar Recreational & Home Golf Carts in the Bahamas

Golf carts aren’t just reserved for the golf course anymore. As the top provider of recreational & home golf carts in the Bahamas, Shirley Enterprises Limited understands the versatility golf carts offer. As the exclusive Authorized Club Car Distributor for the Bahamas, we offer an extensive selection of golf carts to fit your every need. Explore our large selection of golf carts and discover how this vehicle is a convenient, efficient, and enjoyable addition to your everyday life.

Red Onward on a Street filled with Friends

Why Do I Need a Golf Cart?

Not only do golf carts enhance your mobility and lifestyle, but they also offer an eco-friendly, convenient mode of transportation, reducing the strain of walking extensive distances between places. Whether you are interested in taking your cart out for a leisurely ride, carrying your gear on the green, or taking quick trips around the neighborhood, our golf carts cater to various personal and utility needs. Customize your golf cart for your home in the Bahamas and drive in luxury, style, and comfort wherever you go.

Benefits of a Recreational Golf Cart

Recreational golf carts provide a unique blend of practicality and pleasure, seamlessly integrating into leisure and everyday activities. As an eco-friendly alternative for driving short distances, a golf cart’s compact size and versatility make them ideal for navigating gated communities, resorts, and large properties scattered around the Bahamas. Discover some of the most significant benefits golf carts can offer you, including:


These gas or electric-powered golf carts are an excellent way to travel short distances efficiently for families looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

Experience Adventures

Go for a fun ride across the green or leisurely drive through your resort and visit with your neighbors in your golf cart.


Make your golf cart stand out with numerous customization options, from leather seats and custom paint to specialized wheels and Bluetooth speakers.

Simple Maintenance

Taking care of your golf cart is simple and easy to do yourself, allowing you to experience more road time away from the garage.

Find the Perfect Golf Cart for Recreational Activities

Recreational and home golf carts offer a well-crafted blend of convenience, customization, and eco-consciousness, perfect for enhancing you and your family’s daily lives or simply enjoying leisure time. With the best selection and various personalization options, your golf cart can become a vital part of your daily routine. Embrace the freedom and joy a personalized golf cart can bring to your home and recreational activities across the Bahamas through Shirley Enterprises Limited.

Driving Adventures Across the Bahamas