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Find Service & Repair Options for Golf Carts in the Bahamas

Once you purchase your golf cart, it’s essential to have after-sales support to keep your vehicle performing. The technicians at Shirley Enterprises Limited offer service and repair options for golf carts in the Bahamas to ensure every customer is satisfied with their purchase and vehicle. Backed by the manufacturer’s warranty, you can trust us, the only Authorized Club Car Distributor in the Bahamas, to maintain, service, and repair your vehicle with the utmost care. Let us keep your golf cart running smoothly for years to come.

Blue and White Golf Carts Parked at Tennis Court

Parts and Accessories

Whether you’ve recently purchased a new or used golf cart from us, it’s important to remember that all vehicles will need repairs and upgrades over time. To support these changes and enhancements, we invite you to dive into our extensive selection of parts and accessories to repair and upgrade. From aesthetic improvements to performance upgrades, we have you covered to personalize your golf cart.

Red Onward Golf Car on Beach with Family

Preventative Maintenance: The Key to Long Life

The importance of preventative maintenance cannot be overstated for any vehicle, especially golf carts. This maintenance is not only necessary but also easy to perform when issues first arise. It’s a safeguard to your golf cart’s long life, working for you and keeping you and your neighbors safe when out on the road. Regular check-ups and upkeep reduce the likelihood of costly repairs with increased downtime where your vehicle is unavailable.

Personalized Care for Every Vehicle

Your satisfaction and your vehicle’s performance are our top priorities. That’s why the professionals at Shirley Enterprises Limited offer unparalleled services and repair options for your golf cart backed by a manufacturer’s warranty. Our technicians are standing by, ready to provide exceptional technical support to ensure your vehicle continues to operate at its peak performance. Trust us to maintain your vehicle and keep your ride running smoothly.

Driving Adventures Across the Bahamas