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Elegant Garia Luxury Golf Carts in the Bahamas

Shirley Enterprises Limited is the Bahamas’ is your source for Garia luxury golf carts. If you want to ride comfortably in luxury and style around the golf course or need a street-legal vehicle for moderate travel, we can provide the perfect option for you. Our wide selection includes recreational and golf carts to satisfy any purpose or lifestyle. We also perform repairs, maintenance, and upgrades for all Garia makes and models. Whether for sport or leisure, we’re ready to introduce you to a new world of golf carts.

Golf carts lined up on the beach in Nassau, Bahamas, by Shirley Enterprises Limited

Street- and Non-Street Legal Garia Models

Luxury meets performance in each of our vehicles. Whether you choose street legal or non-street legal models, we’ll provide a sleek, effortlessly operated option to fulfill your driving experience.

It’s In The Details

All Garia vehicles are produced in Europe to the highest quality standards. Materials are genuine, and usability, comfort, features, and longevity have been considered in the process of creating your Garia. Discover some of the features and details that set a Garia apart.

Experience the Unmatched Quality of Garia Golf Carts

Get lost in the streamlined designs, advanced features, and responsive handling that only Garia Golf Carts offer. We invite you to experience the ultimate combination of luxury and utility. With each model, prestige and craftsmanship go hand in hand—setting the standard for luxury golf cart travel. We’ll get you started with a test drive so you can discover Garia’s innovations. We can’t wait to expose you to an unparalleled ride.

Driving Adventures Across the Bahamas