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Hassle-Free Rental Golf Carts in the Bahamas

Since 1994, Shirley Enterprises Limited has been the premier location for rental golf carts in the Bahamas. We’ve dedicated ourselves to making your rental experience enjoyable and stress-free for every local or visiting golfer. Our extensive selection of high-quality, reliable golf carts ensures you find the perfect ride to match all your needs. Experience the convenience of easy, reliable rentals and hit the green in style and comfort. Join us and see why we are the choice for golfers across the Bahamas.

Street Legal Garia

Benefits of Renting Golf Carts

Renting golf carts presents a stress-free solution for enhancing your golf game and quickly navigating the course. Rentals aren’t just for those looking to take to the green, they are for anyone staying at a resort, part of a community, or looking for a simple yet mobile option for getting around. With short and long-term rental options, renting golf carts from us offers several benefits, including:

  • Cost-Effective – Avoid the upfront costs and maintenance worries of owning your golf cart with our flexible rental rates to offer you the most savings.
  • Safety and Reliability – Our well-maintained and serviced vehicles are a safe, dependable way to travel across the course and your resort, ensuring your peace of mind.

Why Choose Shirley Enterprises Limited?

Our decades-long presence in the Bahamas makes us the premier location for renting golf carts. Enjoy seamless rental experiences bolstered by our knowledgeable staff, who are ready to ensure your time with us is exceptional.

Personalized Service

Our team takes the time to understand your needs and swiftly and efficiently addresses any concerns you may have.

Flexible Rental Options

We've got you covered, from short-term rentals for a quick game to long-term agreements for residents.

Updated Fleet

To achieve our high standards, we regularly update our rentals to guarantee the most up-to-date features, comfort, and reliability.

Elevate Your Rental Experience

Discover the convenience and luxury our rental golf carts offer the people of the Bahamas. As the only Authorized Club Car Distributor, we offer a fleet of premium golf carts that bring performance and reliability to any situation. Whether planning a special event or needing transportation solutions through your resort or across the green, we are here to provide exceptional service and support. Contact us today to find the perfect rental golf cart to enhance your experience and make every journey memorable.

Driving Adventures Across the Bahamas